Even those, who some time ago belived all the stories about
God, that is who believed that devine power exist, have now come to be so
ashamed of there own belief, that hiding there ignorance, they are now struggling
heard to prove those stories as scientifically true.
He who first created fire with the help of flints, was the
"Edition" of those days. There after, we advanced step by step and we now
have fire through electricity. Thus, change is natural and inevitable, and
no can one stop it.
A big change should come about in our country on the food
front. We must certainly discover a chemical product as substitute for rice.
We first used steam power, with the help of fire, to drive an engine. Then
kerosene, crude oil, pertrol, electricity for power. In a like manner, the
human engine, without being driven by huge intake of food, can be activated
by and made to subsist on some fine source of energy, similar to electricity.
Hereafter, even human birth will be rare. Similarly death
rate also will decrease. Man can easily live for a hunderd years on an avrege,
no one will have more than two children. There will be no correlation between
sexual relationship and child-birth.
It is dangerous for people to support scriptural pundits
as using burning stick to scartch an itching scalp; they have no alternative
means of livelihood; and therfore we should be ever watchful in out contact
with these pundits.
Why should anyone, in the name of caste, be considered lowly
or be made to do a mean job?. If all in the country are given education,
can there exist a caste for doing mean work?. It is not because of lack
of education that those people are constrained to do contemptible work and
are considered lowly?
Edit the poems of Bharathidasan, and prescribe them as texts,
as suited to each class at school. Knowledge that can normally be gained
in five years can be had in a year, by reading them.
Students should not waste their scholl life, as it is very,
very precious. Their mind should not be distracted by any event out side.
Particularly, students should not participate in agitations.
I affirm again and again that the love of the mother-tongue
is a must for those born in TamilNadu. The Bengalis love Bengali. The Maharashtrians
love the Marathi langauage. The Andhras love the Telgu language. But the
tamils have no love for the Tamil-tongue. The Tamils will never progress
unless they bestow love on thier mother-tongue.
If I consider that my country will not serve my ideals,
will not help to foster them , I shall forthwith quit it. Similarly, if
the language is not conducive to my ideals, or to the advancement of my
people, or to their living self-respect, I will promptly discard it and
follow what is useful.
As I am aware of disadvantages of another language being
imposed on our country. I am intolearnt of it oppose it, I do not resist
it merely because it is new or it belong to another land.
Writing in Tamil about the Arts are useful to the people
in their life and which foster knowledge, talent and courage, and propagating
them among the masses, ther byenlightening the people and enriching the
language; this alone can be regarded as zeal for Tamil.
Just as some compound characters have separate signs to
indicate their length as in ' æè ' , '
îæ ' (ka: , ke:), why should not other compound characters like '
æ¨ ' , ' æ© ' , ' Æ ' , ' Ô ' (ki,ki:,ku,ku:) (indicated integrally
as of now), also have separate signs? This indeed requires consideration
Changing the shape of letters, creating new symbols and
adding new letters and similarly, dropping those that are redundant, are
quite essential
The glory and excellence of a language and its script depend
on how easily they can be understood or learnt and on nothing else
Tamil Alphabet looks primitive! How many loops! How many
dashes! How many upward turns! How many downward turns! Such cumbersome
orthography in the present day! Do we need so many letters today? Why do
we need 216 letters? The Englishman does wonders and has only 26 letters.
And he turns the whole world round with just 26 letters
Songs in good Tamil, bringing out the beauties of Nature,
the courage, the compassion and the dignified and egalitarain life of the
Tamil, their histor, fairnes, code of justice, patriotism, zeal for languag,
unity and discipline, should alone be sung.
There are two kinds of dramas. One is music drama and the
other is prose-dram. People prefer only prose-plays.
It is of little profits to the Tamils, if Literature,Music
and Drama do not serve to foster in them self-respect, to enhance their
knowledge and to help them to attain human qualities. This applies to arts
presented in any language of the world.
Whatever art it is, it should be conducive to supertition
and improper behaviour.